Quran with translation & tafseer from Shia scholars

Your on-the-go Quran recitation companion

Distraction-free recitation

Our app doesn't need an active Internet connection. It works offline.

Reading mode

Start reading from where you left off. Read the Quran with a perfectly set page without any clutter.

Translation mode

Read the translation of the Quran in Hindi, Urdu, English & Roman English.


You can bookmark any essential ayat and quickly check it from the bookmark menu.

It's secure.

Other Quran apps ask permission to access your photo or call. Why do they need it? Right, that's why our app doesn't ask for any permission. We don't need it, not even the internet.

Ad Free

Super Clean

Work Fully

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Things you need to consider when choosing the app

  • Is it Ad free?
  • Is it distraction-free?
  • Does it ask for non-related phone permissions?

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